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ThinkGeek.com Blows

Originally uploaded by JCardinal18.
Update: the 2 parties mentioned below are in the throws of reconciliation... More as events unfold.

Or, do they suck. My theory is that they do both simultaneously, thereby creating a vortex and that's how my xmas present got pulled into the void. At least, that would be the logical answer. It would be interesting and a good ice-breaker at parties.

Alas no. Something far less understandable happened. They didn't get all of the necessary info from my girlfriend at their online checkout. Then they didn't notify her about it, neglected to send the package, and vacated their offices on Christmas Eve-day so as to avoid any last-minute answers to those they may have left in the lurch.

The topper is that when my girlfriend called to find out what had happened, they claimed to have sent her emails (a flat-out lie) and refused to make the debacle right in any manner. The person on the line said that he couldn't bank on her future purchases as a reason to give up any swag (a $2 who's-it would have done), totally missing the point of customer service. I mean, giving away something that costs 20 cents wholesale to keep a customer is just good business sense.

I'm not that into xmas and don't really get fired up about the gift giving thing, but I do like techno-toys and her dad & little nephew also didn't get the cool nerd-booty as a result of their negligence. So, here I am, bending your ear. And, asking you to do yourself a solid and steer clear of thinkgeek.com - there are other places with cool widgets:


ThinkGeek said...

You're right; that totally sucks. Would you give us another chance to make it right? If you DM us your order number on Twitter (@thinkgeek) we'll see what we can do about pulling the missing items out of the vortex. Sorry for the hassle!

Kelly McNally said...

ThinkGeek, thanks for responding... don't know if you'll check back here, but since I'm the GF in question, thought I'd give you a bit more info.

When I called, your first-line customer service couldn't do much for me, so she transferred me to a "senior customer service specialist." He was

not only not apologetic about ruining my family's Christmas, he was downright snide. This is the guy who said that you "couldn't bank on the hopes of my future purchases."

What's sad is that I'd loved doing my shopping on the site, discovering so many wonderful things I wanted for myself, as well as for my geek love and family. I was excited, posted on FB about the glories of ThinkGeek, and then you guys totally let me down.

In the end, he offered me free shipping on the new order. When I pointed out that it would now have to be split into two orders, since my family lives in WI and my bf in WA, he said he'd give me free shipping on both.

And maybe that seems like enough to you, but it's just not enough to make it right with me. You guys seriously dropped the ball.

This was the first time I'd been home for christmas in 3 years, and now I don't get to have the pleasure of watching my dad and little nephew open their gifts. I just wanted some kind of credit issued, a discount to give me incentive to remake the order.

Your guy refused, said free shipping was the best he could do. So I canceled the order, and walked away feeling sad. I loved the apparent culture of ThinkGeek, but there's other places I can order these things from who might actually care about my business.

Let me know if you think you want to keep me...

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