CSS tutorials

There's a Rat

Weathered Sunset
Originally uploaded by Fort Photo.
Actually, that's a misrepresentation. There are probably many.
My mom works and blogs in a small town. She works a short way down the road from her house. She blogs at the house, not at work - the two seldom meet...

Except when she needs to blow off steam. Some conscientious citizen informed her boss that she had a blog that put local players (all unnamed) in a not so glamorous light. Her employers ambushed her and proceeded to bust her for it.

Other folks in the professional world have been fired for airing their views on a forum separate from official company websites (there's a good article here about that). One might think that a proper response to negative employee feedback would be to internalize the critique and try to make the workplace better. Or, if the problem isn't rants but questionable content then it's wise to remember that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

Negative feedback being the subject here, however, online-rants about work would be the modern equivalent of the suggestion box. Except, employers don't care what their employees think anymore. The new term learning organization is just a new fangled way to describe good, old-fashioned morale boosting through boss-employee relations. Maybe I'm looking through a parallax lens, but it seems like employers used to care about their workers, at least a little on the small business level anyway.

Check my mom's blog out before the posts are gone:

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